Product Description
All Geoff Weaver’s wines come from his vineyard at Lenswood. It was established with one aim; to grow grapes of the highest quality for fine table wine. Since the release of the first wines in 1985 he has built a reputation as one of the Adelaide Hills finest wine producers.
Geoff Weaver’s vineyard at Lenswood high in the Adelaide Hills is devoted to grow the low crop, richly flavoured grapes that produce his wines.
Since the release of the first wines in 1985 Geoff has built a reputation as one of the Adelaide Hills’ finest wine producers.
The vineyard is the foundation of our quality. Vine management is devoted to growing the low crops which achieve ripeness and concentration of flavour which is at the heart of our wine quality. The variety, the soils and the climate are critical quality factors.
Seasonal variations are reflected in the wine style but generally Lenswood is cool and even in temperature. Our vineyard is not prone to extremes of wind or temperature that cause vines to stop their flavour creating metabolism.
Soils are old and of low fertility thereby growing vines of moderate vigour and natural balance between fruit and foliage. Irrigation is not necessary.
Canopy lifting is used to enhance the light penetration to the grapes. Pruning is done by hand to allow the close control of crop level and foliage density so crucial in cool vineyard areas. In short all efforts are directed to growing fine flavour in the vineyard. With each season comes more mature vines and refinement in our management to enhance flavour creation.
Lenswood is located high in the Adelaide Hills just 22 km East of Adelaide. It has long been renowned for its apple, cherry and pear orchards. In 1982 there were no vineyards at Lenswood and the potential of the district for fine wines was unknown. Geoff chose to plant his vineyard there to fulfil the ambition of creating new and excellent table wine styles. Lenswood provided a wonderful combination of cool climate with ancient, low vigour soils and the capacity to grow fruit of intense flavour and distinctly regional character. Here lay the opportunity to add a new dimension to the array of fine wine styles of Australia.
Most of the plantings were made in 1982 and 83 with a total of 12.3 ha now established.
This is the business of one-time Hardys chief winemaker Geoff Weaver. This vineyard was established between 1982 and 88, and invariably produces immaculate Riesling and Sauvignon Blanc, and one of the longest-lived Chardonnays to be found in Australia. The beauty of the labels ranks supreme with Pipers Brook.
- James Halliday
- James Halliday Wine Companion
Following graduation in Agricultural Science and Oenology Geoff's winemaking experience was gained firstly at Orlando and then at Hardys where he made wines for 17 years. For the final 5 of those years Geoff was Chief Winemaker for the Hardy Wine Group.
His work within these major companies showed him that the flavour frontiers are in the vineyard and that the path to fine wine must begin here. It was for this reason that the efforts were first to grow grapes capable of producing table wines of excellence.
Since 1992 Geoff has devoted his full time efforts to the vineyard and to creating fine wine.